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Text File | 1993-10-28 | 47.0 KB | 721 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- {-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-}
- {This unit is the interface file for the Hermes Toolbox library by Chris Owen}
- {The Hermes Toolbox extends the number of procedures and functions that}
- {are available when writing externals. This library is constantly being }
- {updated and the most recent version can always be found on Mulligan's Valley}
- {at 203-772-4485 or by contacting the author at owen-christopher@yale.edu}
- {-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-}
- {Last modified for Hermes II version 1.0 on 9/27/93}
- {Version 1.0}
- unit HermesToolboxIntf;
- interface
- uses
- HermHeaders, MiscIntf;
- type
- {For GetQDGlobals, CenterDialog and DoRegistrationDialog}
- QDGlobalRecPtr = ^QDGlobalRec;
- QDGlobalRec = record
- randSeed: Longint;
- screenBits: BitMap;
- arrow: Cursor;
- dkGray: Pattern;
- ltGray: Pattern;
- gray: Pattern;
- black: Pattern;
- white: Pattern;
- thePort: GrafPtr;
- end;
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- {----------------------------- Hermes Display Functions ------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- procedure DoCR (numLines: integer; HermSetup: UserXIPtr);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will move the cursor down the number of line specified in numLines. This is}
- {just like bCR but you don't have to repeat it so many times and clog up your code.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure Write (theString: str255; HermSetup: UserXIPtr);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will simply output theString to the screen. It uses the built in command in}
- {Hermes but I think this is an easier format to call it from. It uses the current text color.}
- {Write will not begin on a new line but start where the last write left off.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure Writeln (theString: str255; HermSetup: UserXIPtr);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will simply output theString to the screen. It uses the built in command in}
- {Hermes but I think this is an easier format to call it from. It uses the current text color.}
- {Writeln will begin on a new line.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure WriteANSI (theString: str255; where: point; color: integer; HermSetup: UserXIPtr);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {WriteANSI will output theString begining at where and in the color specified by color.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function ListTextRsrc (textID: integer; HermSetup: UserXIPtr): boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function willl output to the screen a TEXT resource of number textID. If the resouce}
- {can not be found this returns false. You must exit the current stage immeadiately after}
- {this procedure in order for it to display the text.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function ListTextFile (filePath: str255; insertPath: boolean; HermSetup: UserXIPtr): boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function is mostly to make life a little easier. Given the path to a file filepath it will}
- {output the contents to the screen. If insertPath is true Hermes will add the path you pass}
- {to the path to the Hermes Files folder (ie. you can just pass 'Externals:A textfile'),}
- {otherwise it will use filePath as is. If the file isn't found this function will return false. You}
- {must exit the current stage immeadiately after this procedure in order for it to display the}
- {text.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure Pause (HermSetup: UserXIPtr);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will pause the screen until the user hits a key. It using the built in pause}
- {string in Hermes, so whatever the sysop has customized that to will be used. This}
- {procedure must be just before exiting a stage of your external. Set the stage to where}
- {you want to go after the pause, call this and exit the current stage}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure ClearScreen (HermSetup: UserXIPtr);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will clear the users screen.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure Beep (HermSetup: UserXIPtr);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will cause the remote users computer to beep (or flash the menu bar if they}
- {have the sound set to 0)}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- {----------------------------- File Manipulation Functions -----------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- function FileExists (filePath: str255; var OSResult: OSErr): boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Given filePath this function will return whether the specified file actually exists. It also}
- {returns the reason for any error in OSResult}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function CreateFile (pathName: string; var theVRefNum: Integer; var theDirID: Integer): OSErr;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This is a cool one. This function will create a new file with the path pathName. The cool part}
- {is that it will create all the folders along the way. If the path name ends with a : then only}
- {the folders will be created. If you need to start part way down the path you can pass a}
- {VRefNum to theVRefNum and a file name or partial path name to thePath. The function will}
- {return the VRefNum and dirID of the file which is created. If you are using a full path name}
- {you MUST pass 0 (zero) for theVRefNum and theDirID. This is the perfect way to create}
- {preference files. If they don't exist already you can create the whole subdirectory}
- {necessary to create them.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure WriteFile (theString: str255; fileRefNum: integer; var OSResult: OSErr);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {WriteFile with write theString to the current location in the file specified by fileRefNum.}
- {It will return any error in OSResult. WriteFile does not add a return to the end of the string}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure WritelnFile (theString: str255; fileRefNum: integer; var OSResult: OSErr);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {WritelnFile with write theString to the current location in the file specified by fileRefNum.}
- {It will return any error in OSResult. WriteFile will add a return at the end of the string so}
- {that the next string will begin on a new line.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TouchFolder (folderPath: str255): OSErr;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will chage the last modified date of a folder to the current time and date.}
- {This is often useful because it forces the Finder to update all the files in that folder. Pass}
- {it the path to the folder you want to change and it will return any error.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure FlushAllVolumes;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procdure will cause all mounted volumes to be immeadiately flushed. All changes that}
- {have been made to files will be written to disk. This is important because the mac doesn't}
- {write to disk until the buffer is full. If you want to do something especially dangerous or}
- {something like shutdown the machine it might be a good idea to call this first. This will}
- {cause a momentary pause in the action if there is lots to be written but no worse than the}
- {many pauses that take place when writting something to disk.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function Readln (refNum: integer; endOfLine: char): str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will let you read from a text file. It is intended to return a single line so it is}
- {limited to a returning a string. refNum is the refNum of the already opened file you want to}
- {read from. endOfLine is the character which ends a line (normally a return). It will return}
- {the line as a string and will return a empty string if there is an error. This might be useful}
- {if you want to read the BBS list file that Hermes creates.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure ReadText (refNum: integer; data: Handle; endOfLine: char);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function is useful if you need to read something larger than a string. Like Readln you}
- {need to pass it a refNum for the open file and the endOfLine character which marks the end}
- {of the data you want to read. With this procedure you must also pass a valid handle to hold}
- {the data which is read. The handle you pass will be resized to the size of the data and will}
- {be nil if there is an error.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function DiskSpaceAvail (volToTest: str255): longInt;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Given a volume name volToTest this function will return the total amount of free disk space}
- {on that volume.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function CopyFile (source, destination: str255; deleteOriginal: boolean): OSErr;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {CopyFile will copy both the data and resource fork of a file on the path source to the file}
- {specified by the path destination. If true, deleteOriginal will cause the source file to be}
- {erased only if the copy was successful. Any error will be returned in OSErr.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GetVolRefNum (thePath: str255): integer;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Given thePath this function will return the volume reference number of the directory pointed}
- {to by that path. Since pathnames are used so frequently in Hermes you will need this for}
- {many of the mac toolbox calls}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GetPathName (volRefNum: longInt): Str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Given a volume reference number this function will return a path name for that directory.}
- {This is useful for converting the result of many of the mac toolbox calls to strings for }
- {Hermes}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GetSystemPath: str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function returns a pathname to the current system folder. Good for finding the }
- {preference folder or things like Stuffit Engine.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function DirectoryList (pathtoDir: str255; numtypes: integer; typelist: SFTypelist; var numFiles: integer; HermSetup: UserXIPtr): OSErr;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will write out a list of files in the directory pointed to by pathToDir. If}
- {numTypes is between 1 and 4 it will only list those files which are listed in typeList. If}
- {numTypes is between -1 and -4 it will only list those files in typeList but will also list all}
- {folders. Folders are signified by a colon (:) after their name. If numTypes is greater than}
- {4 it will list all files without listing folders. If it is less than -4 it will list all files and}
- {folders in the directory. *Remember that SFTypeList arrays are 0-3 not 1-4* }
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- {--------------------------- Resource Manipulation Functions --------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- function GetHRMS: eInfoRec;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will get the current externals restriction information that Hermes uses to}
- {limit access to the external. This is useful if you use a main menu command and want to}
- {limit that commands use to users who would have access to the external from the }
- {external menu.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure SetHRMS (HRMSInfo: eInfoRec);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will save the restriction information that Hermes uses to limit access to an}
- {external. No errors are reported but this should be a generally safe procedure.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GetRegistration (var bbsName: str255; var registrationNum: longInt; resourceName: resType): boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will let you get saved registration information. It will retrieve the registration}
- {information in bbsName and registration number. You must pass the resourceName that you}
- {previously used to save the information. See SetRegistration for details. It will return true}
- {if it found the resource and false if it did not. If it did not find the resource you can create a}
- {new one by calling SetRegistration. }
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure SetRegistration (bbsName: str255; registrationNum: longInt; resourceName: resType);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will let you save registration information in your external's resource fork.}
- {Pass it the bbsName and registrationNum you want to save. You also need to pass a}
- {resource type name. This is simply 4 letters (ie HRMS). Each external you write should have}
- {its own type though to avoid possible conflicts. Use the same type you use here as in}
- {GetRegistration. You should define a constant in your headers that is something like }
- {regResource = 'REGI' and use that each time.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function CheckRegistration (bbsName: str255; registrationNum: longInt; regNum1, regNum2: longint): boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will check a registration number for a given BBS name. It returns true if the}
- {registration number is valid and false if it is invalid. This relies on regNum1 and regNum2 }
- {regNum1 should be a 6 digit number and regNum2 should be a 3 digit number. These numbers}
- {should be changed for each external. You must use the same numbers that you used when you}
- {created the number with CreateRegistration though.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function CreateRegistration (bbsName: str255; regNum1, regNum2: longint): longint;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will return a registration number for the bbsName you pass it. It also relies}
- {on regNum1 and regNum2 (see above). You can use this is a small application or external}
- {that creates registration numbers. You should define these two numbers as constants and}
- {use the same ones to create and then check registration numbers.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- {------------------------------ Sysop External Functions -----------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- function GetCheck (theDialog: dialogPtr; itemNum: integer): boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Given a dialog pointer theDialog and an item in that dialog, this function will return the }
- {current state of the item. This is for reading check boxes and radio buttons in sysop}
- {externals. Writing this as a function makes it generally easier to use. True is on and }
- {false is off.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure SetCheck (theDialog: dialogPtr; itemNum: integer; on: boolean);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Given a dialog pointer theDialog and an item in that dialog, this function will set the }
- {current state of the item to the value of on (true is on and false is off). This is for setting}
- {check boxes and radio buttons in sysop externals. Writing this as a function makes it }
- {generally easier to use. True is on and false is off.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GetEditText (theDialog: DialogPtr; itemNum: integer): str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Given a dialog pointer theDialog and an item in that dialog, this function will return the }
- {current value an edit text item. This is for reading edit text fields in sysop externals.}
- {Writing this as a function makes it generally easier to use}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure SetEditText (theDialog: DialogPtr; itemNum: integer; ETString: str255);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Given a dialog pointer theDialog and an item in that dialog, this function will set the }
- {current value of the edit text item to ETString. This is for setting edit text fields in }
- {sysop externals. Writing this as a function makes it generally easier to use. }
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure CenterDialog (theDialog: DialogPtr);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure takes a dialog (or window) pointer (which you would get from GetNewDialog)}
- {and centers it on the screen. You should make your dialog 'initially invisable' and call this}
- {procedure BEFORE calling ShowWindow. Otherwise the user will see the dialog move across}
- {the screen.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function DoRegistrationDialog (var bbsName: str255; var registrationNum: longInt): boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will put up a small dialog that will allow the sysop to enter basic registration}
- {information. The dialog has two items, one for a BBS name and one for a registration}
- {number. The function stores these two values in bbsName and registrationNum. The dialog}
- {also has two buttons, one for OK and one for cancel. The function will return true if the OK}
- {buttun is hit and false if cancel is hit. Note that this dialog is modal so it will stop other}
- {action on the BBS, but this isn't really a problem since the sysop will use it rarely. If you}
- {use this function you MUST include all the resources included in the file with the same name}
- {as this function. Use ResEdit to copy them to your external's resource file.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure DoTimeDialog (var hour, minute: integer);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure puts up a dialog similar to that which Hermes uses to enter the time for node}
- {start and end time. It gives the sysop the opportunity to enter time in a manner similar to}
- {that used by the Alarm Clock DA and General control panel. It returns the hour and minute}
- {that the sysop entered. The hour is in 24 hour format so 0 is midnight and 23 is 11 pm.}
- {Note that this dialog is modal so it will stop other action on the BBS, but this isn't really a}
- {problem since the sysop will use it rarely. If you use this function you MUST include all}
- {the resources included in the file with the same name as this function. Use ResEdit to copy}
- {them to your external's resource file. There is a text item in this dialog which can be used}
- {to prompt the user. You can either change it with ResEdit or call ParamText and set string}
- {number 0 to what you want displayed in that item.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- {----------------------------- Process Manager Functions ----------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- function HermesToFront (var oldProcess: ProcessSerialNumber): OSErr;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will make Hermes the front most application. It returns the process serial}
- {number of the application which had been in from in oldProcess. This is a really rude and}
- {not very mac-like thing to do but there are times when it is handy.}
- {THIS REQUIRES SYSTEM 7.0 OR LATER - Use System7OrLater below to check.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function HermesToBack (theProcess: ProcessSerialNumber): OSErr;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will return Hermes to the background after a call to HermesToFront. You}
- {should store the value of oldProcess returned by that function in order to return the old}
- {process to the front.}
- {THIS REQUIRES SYSTEM 7.0 OR LATER - Use System7OrLater below to check.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure ShutDownMac;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will shut the macintosh down and turn off the power on most newer macs.}
- {It gives no warning and does not save open documents so it should be used sparingly.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure RestartMac;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will restart the macintosh. It gives no warning and does not save open }
- {documents so it should be used sparingly.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- {----------------------------------- User Functions ----------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- function FindUserOnline (userNum: integer; var node: integer; HermSetup: UserXIPtr): boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will return true if the user specified by userNum is online. If true then the}
- {node that user is on will be returned in node.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function NewUserAccount (var newUser: UserRec; HermSetup: UserXIPtr): OSErr;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will create a new user on the BBS. You can pass a full user record or use}
- {WriteUser to flesh it out later. The new user's user number will be passed back in}
- {newUser.userNum.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function DeleteUser (userNum: integer; sysopNote: str255; HermSetup: UserXIPtr): OSErr;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will delete the user specified by userNum from the Hermes user list. Deleted}
- {users will have a '•' added to the end of their name. Optionally you can add a string of up}
- {to 40 characters in sysopNote and this function will change the current sysopNote to that}
- {string. This might be usefull to keep track of why the user was deleted.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function WriteUser (user: UserRec; HermSetup: UserXIPtr): OSErr;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will save the user info contained in UserRec. It will return any error in writing}
- {the info to the HermShared file. The user info will be written to the account number}
- {contained in user.UserNum so if you want to swap user info you need to reset that number.}
- {You can change anything in a users record by using the Hermes function 'FindUser' to get}
- {a user record, make the necessary changes and then call this function.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function CheckSub (forumNum, subNum: integer; user: UserRec; HermSetup: UserXIPtr): boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will check whether user has access to the the message base specified by}
- {forumNum and subNum. It returns true if the user does have access. This funciton will}
- {take into consideration if the user has access the forum and if they have the proper security}
- {level, restriction and age.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- {---------------------------------- Stuffit Functions ---------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- function StuffitExists: boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will check for the existence of the Stuffit Engine. The Stuffit Engine is}
- {supposed to be kept in the Extensions folder inside the System Folder. It returns true if the}
- {Engine is found and false if not. Most of the other Stuffit Functions call this one but you}
- {should still check before using any of them so you can report back to the user.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function StuffFile (source, destination: str255; deleteOriginal: boolean): OSErr;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will compress a single file using the Stuffit Engine which is part of the Stuffit}
- {Deluxe package. You should pass the path to the file to be compressed in source and where}
- {you want the archive to be placed in destination. If deleteOriginal is true then the file will}
- {be deleted after it has been compressed. This function does not add .sit to the end of the}
- {file name so if you are putting the new archive in the same directory you will need to add}
- {it yourself in the destination name. The fuction returns any OSErr that might take place}
- {and returns -1 if the user cancels the operation by hitting the stop button in the Stuffit}
- {Engine dialog. Although this function calls StuffitExists you should before calling it in order}
- {to report any errors to the user.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- {--------------------------------- Debugging Functions -------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- function ParseError (theErr: OSErr; HermSetup: UserXIPtr): str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will allow you to translate theErr into a string. It assumes that you have}
- {already checked to make sure there actually is an error so you should not call it with error}
- {0.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure ReportError (theErr: OSErr; user, log: boolean; HermSetup: UserXIPtr);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will translate theErr into a string which can be reported to the user or sysop.}
- {If user is true it will print the error string out to the current node. If log is true it will}
- {write the error string to the daily log. This procedure DOES check the error so you can}
- {call it each time you do something that might cause an error and it will not do anything}
- {unless the error is other than 0.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure LogIt (outStr: str255; HermSetup: UserXIPtr);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This is identical to the LogThis function in Hermes but works even if a user isn't online. With}
- {the built-in function if a users isn't on the current node when you log something to the daily}
- {log, it isn't actually written until a user logs on (and then off) that node. In the meantime}
- {lots of people may have logged on to other nodes and your entry will be way out of order.}
- {This writes directly to the 'Today Log' file. You should still use the other procedure if a}
- {user is online when you are writing to the log, but use this one when writing to the log}
- {from the idle loop.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function OpenDebugFile (HermSetup: UserXIPtr): integer;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function is just intended to make setting up a debugging file a little easier. Calling it}
- {will open (or create) a file calle "Debug File" inside your Hermes Files folder. It also stamps}
- {the time and date when it was opened to the file. It returns a integer which is the file}
- {reference number or 0 if it wasn't able to open the file. Save this number in your privates}
- {so you can write to the file and later to close it.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure WriteDebugFile (theString: str255; debugRefNum: integer);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Once again this is to simplify the logging of errors. Pass it the refNum created by your}
- {call to "Open DebugFile" along with the string you want recorded and it will write it to the}
- {Debug file. A return is automatically added to the end of the string. There is no error}
- {checking here but for just testing that is probably preferable.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure CloseDebugFile (debugRefNum: integer);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will close the file created by "OpenDebugFile". Pass it the refNum created}
- {by that procedure.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure DebugString (theStr: str255; waitForReply: boolean);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure is great for debugging. It requires that you have an freeware application}
- {called "Debug Window". Pass a debugging string in theStr and this will send an AppleEvent}
- {to Debug Window that will log that string to the text window of "Debug Window". This does}
- {not add a return to the end of the string but Debug Window has an option to automatically add}
- {them to each string that is sent. The waitForReply variable determines whether it should}
- {wait for Debug Window to reply. If true it will wait (up to 5 seconds) for a reply. The}
- {advantage of waiting for a reply is that strings appear in the Debug Window one at a time}
- {as they are sent out. That way you can watch both the Hermes window and Debug Window}
- {and see your debugging strings at the same time that event is taking place in Hermes. If you}
- {don't wait for a reply the stings will tend to bunch up and it won't always be apparent at}
- {what stage they generated in Hermes. The disadvantage to waiting for a reply is that it}
- {slows Hermes down some. Since you will only use this for debugging this is probably}
- {acceptable but you have the option to no wait. This procedure requires System 7 of course.}
- {***Note*** As with all debugging procedures, don't forget to take these out before you}
- {ship your external. You can't tell its there but you don't want it there in your finished}
- {external.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure DebugTimestamp (waitForReply: boolean);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will cause Debug Window to stamp the time and date in the Debug Window.}
- {See DebugString for details.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure DebugClearWindow (waitForReply: boolean);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will clear the window in Debug Window. See DebugString for details.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- {--------------------------------- String Functions ----------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- function GetAString (stringGroup, stringNum: integer; addSpaceAtEnd: boolean): str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Get a string from str# resource. stringGroup is str# resource number and stringNum is}
- {number of individual string in that resource. addSpaceAtEnd will add a single space at end}
- {of string if true. This is useful when getting strings for prompts.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function SetAString (stringGroup, stringNum: integer; newStr: Str255): OSErr;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Write a string to a str# resource. stringGroup is str# resource number and stringNum is}
- {number of individual string in that resource. newStr is the string to be saved. Function}
- {returns OSErr}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function SetSizeRight (theString: str255; size: integer): str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Make a string a standard width. theString is either truncated or spaces are added from}
- {the left to make the returned string length of size.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function SetSizeLeft (theString: str255; size: integer): str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Make a string a standard width. theString is either truncated or spaces are added from}
- {the right to make the returned string length of size.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function Uppercase (theString: str255): str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Make string uppercase. All characters in theString are raised to uppercase including}
- {diacriticals.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function Lowercase (theString: str255): str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Make string lowercase. All characters in theString are lowered to lowercase including}
- {diacriticals.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function CapitalizeWords (theString: str255): str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {The first character of each word in theString is made uppercase.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function NumberToString (num: LONGINT): Str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {The number num is converted to a string. This will accept either longInts or integers}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function RealToString (realNum: real; decimals: integer): str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function converts realNum to a string. The number will be rounded to the number of}
- {decimals specified by decimals.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function StringToNumber (theString: str255): longInt;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {theString is converted to a number. Does not check for characters other than numbers}
- {in theString}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TimeToDateString (time: longInt; style: integer): Str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {TimeToString will convert time (obtained by using GetTimeDate or TimeNow) to a string}
- {using the International Utilities Toolbox. There are three choices of style. Using 1 will}
- {return a string in the format 11/24/68. Using 2 will return a string in the format}
- {Sunday, November 24, 1968. Using 3 will return Sun, Nov 24, 1968. There are no}
- {leading zeros for these formats. If you need equal length strings use TimeToStr instead}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TimeToStr (time: longInt; includeTime: boolean; timeOnly: boolean): Str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {time (obtained by using GetTimeDate or TimeNow) is converted to a string with the format}
- { (MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS) or (MM/DD/YY) or (HH:MM:SS) depending on the value of includeTime}
- {and timeOnly. The advantage of this function is that it adds leading zeros so the string returned}
- {is always the same length.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function FindAndReplace (theString: Str255; oldString, newString: Str255): str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function takes theString and replaces the first occurance of oldString with newString}
- {and returns the resulting string.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function FindAndReplaceAll (theString: Str255; oldString, newString: Str255): str255;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function takes theString and replaces the all occurances of oldString with newString}
- {and returns the resulting string.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- {----------------------------------- Misc Functions ----------------------------------}
- {•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••}
- function GetQDGlobals: QDGlobalRec;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will return a QDGlobalRec which is defined above. This record is identical to}
- {the QuickDraw globals which are normally available in an application but not normally}
- {available in an external. Really good stuff can be found here like screenBits.bounds which}
- {has the screen size. This also allows you to use the random call below}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function GetRandom (range: integer): integer;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will return a random number between 1 and range. When you first call this}
- {function it may be a good idea to call it a few times before using its value. A good way to}
- {make it more random might be take the current seconds value and call this function that}
- {many times to initialize it. Without true access to the QDGlobals this function does not}
- {properly seed the random call. After the first time however this call be fine.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function RandomNumber (range: integer): integer;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will also return a random number but does not rely on the Mac toolbox call. Its}
- {your choice. This may not be as true a random but doesn't suffer from the lack of QD globals}
- {that GetRandom does. If you need to be sure that the first few times you call random are}
- {truely random I would use this function rather than the other one.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TimeNow: longInt;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function returns the current time in seconds since 1/1/1904. This is just written as}
- {a function to make it easier to use. You can use this with the TimeToDateString to get the}
- {current date or time.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function Sys7OrLater: boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function returns whether the current system is 7.0 or later.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function TrapAvailable (trapNum: integer; tType: TrapType): boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will return whether a trap is available just in case knowing that system 7 is}
- {available isn't enough.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function PlaySound (sndNum: integer; sndName: str255; asynch: boolean; channel: SndChannelPtr): OSErr;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will play a sound on the local machine. sndNum is the resource number of a }
- {'snd ' resource contained in your external. If you pass a number of 0 the procedure will}
- {use the sndName instead. This may be a better way of making sure that you don't play}
- {someone elses sound ;-] If asynch is false the sound will play before control is returned,}
- {if true the sound will play asychronously. If you want to play the sound asynchronously}
- {you MUST keep track of a SndChannelPtr in your privates and pass it to this function. This}
- {pointer should be intitialized as nil before passing it to PlaySound. If you set asynch to}
- {false you can just pass nil for channel. I would recommend just passing false and nil unless}
- {your sound is really long (which would lock up the BBS until finished).}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function MovedFrom (thePoint: Point; changeAllowed: integer): boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function returns whether the mouse has moved more than changeAllowed pixels from}
- {thePoint. Use GetMouse(thePoint) and then LocalToGlobal(thePoint) to get the mouse}
- {postion and then this function to decided if it has moved.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function CheckCard (cardNum: str255; visa, master, amex, discover: boolean): boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {Yea, yea this is getting strange but I needed it so why not make it avaliable. This function}
- {will take a string representing a credit card number and will determine if the number is in}
- {the valid format. Pass true in the remaining varialbes for each type of credit card that is}
- {acceptable. In other words if you pass false for a varialbe that card type will not be }
- {considered valid. The cardNum string can have spaces although they are not necessary.}
- {All spaces will be ignored when evaluating the number. This function does three things.}
- {First, it checks the first number of the card for the credit card type and sees if that type}
- {is accepted. Second, it makes sure that the number is of the proper number of digits for}
- {each type. Third , it does a checksum on the number to see if it is a possible credit card}
- {number. This checksum is fairly involved and is not something you would want to do in}
- {your head but it is a good way to check cards. A number which passes these checks is}
- {not necessarily valid (ie it may not be assigned to anyone, stolen etc) but this is a good way}
- {to screen out fake numbers and mistakes.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- function CheckExpiration (expirationDate: str255): boolean;
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This function will take an expiration date (in the form MM/YY) and return whether this date}
- {has passed yet. With this and CheckCard, assuming the information is given truthfully, you}
- {can confirm the validity of a credit card immeadiately.}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure SetMouse (newPoint: Point);
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- {This procedure will set the cursor to newPoint. Why you would want to do this is beyond me}
- {but I had a reason to do so (the user doesn't ever notice). This is a really rude thing to do}
- {and is a good way to have an program which flops (people hate the mouse moving on them)}
- {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- implementation
- end.